Where Frooze Balls Fit into Thanksgiving

Whether you plan on tucking into a turducken or untapping some tofurkey, the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S. reminds us that despite our differences, enjoying a meal with friends and family is ubiquitous. This is one of the reasons we at Frooze Balls simply love the holiday. We truly believe in the transformative power of good food to turn ‘hanger’ into happiness and health.

It just so happens that we’re also infatuated with the culinary possibilities at the table. We’ll even take a second to remind you that the Thanksgiving spread can get pretty heavy out there, so be sure to pile your plate with some delicious nutrition and not just marshmallow yams for marshmallow’s sake. All-natural, GMO-free Frooze Balls might even deserve a seat at your table this year. For instance, our dark forest cherry Frooze Balls are an excellent substitute at the table for cranberry jam. So you might want to think twice before sliding that gelatinous hulk out of a tin can (yes, really). And what about dessert? Well, trying a salted caramel nut butter Frooze Ball next to a slice of warm apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream sounds pretty good to us, and we’re inclined to believe that you’ll agree. The Frooze Balls & Thanksgiving collaborations are countless if you really get creative.

Salted Caramel Nut Butter Frooze Balls Non-GMO adventure snackWe also recognize that - more importantly, really - trailside snacking isn’t much different from the time shared around the table. We like to think that Frooze Balls helps create moments; for munching on critical nutrition of course, but they also give us pause to truly enjoy our surroundings and savor the flavor of life lived wilder. The bird heard calling over leaves rustled by footsteps can now be clearly listened to, and individual tree trunks will take shape where they were just previously a vertical blur. These moments allow you to check in with your crew and see how everyone’s feeling - about the hike, unplugging, or about life in general.Thinking outside the box is also another hallmark of our holiday weekend plans as well. Like a lot of companies, we’re a bit more into the idea to #OptOutside on Black Friday, than maraud a local mall. That’s where Frooze Balls can also make another important appearance. Rustling up familiars to take a walk through the woods can be a big ask on a cold morning in late autumn (especially when there’s a game on!), but enticing them with coffee, hot cocoa, fudgetastic Frooze Balls may be just the thing to lace up their boots. After a while on the trail, to work off some of those previously-consumed calories, pulling over to enjoy a healthy, all-natural snack will certainly help the body metabolize all of yesterday’s epic meal. 

In the end, full health is only partially about food anyhow. While we work hard to provide an all-natural, GMO-free snack with raw ingredients, we make sure our product comes in multiple bites to be shared rather than a single selfish bar. Living wilder with family and friends in the great outdoors is what we’re all about, and we actively recommend it to those who want to enjoy Frooze Balls to the fullest.